CBCS Linköping
BSL3 Live Cell Imaging & Electrophysiology
The CBCS Linköping node offers guidance from the assay development phase through hit validation. The CBCS Linköping unit offers services within two areas: Electrophysiology Screening and High content drug screening in biosafety level 2 and 3 environments. We have a variety of BSL-2 and BSL-3 pathogens available and automated live-cell imaging inside the BSL-3 facility.
Services at CBCS LiU
BSL 2/3 Screening & Live Cell Imaging
In our microbial drug screening division, we offer guidance from the assay development phase through hit validation and automated live-cell imaging capabilities for high-content screening in the BSL-3 facility. A variety of both BSL-2 and 3 pathogens are available.
Equipment Bio Safety Level 3 (BSL3) Facilities, IncuCyte SX3 Live Cell Imaging System, Automatic Pipetting Robot
Services High Content Screening against BSL2 & 3 pathogens (Mtb, E.coli, Staph), Cell-based assays, Live-Cell Imaging
In our electrophysiology division, we offer compound screening and electrophysiological characterization on a selection of ligand- and voltage-gated ion channels using automated patch clamp recordings.
Equipment QPatch II 48
Services Basic research and characterization of ion channels, study of ion channel mutations, compound screening for drug discovery, and safety pharmacology on a selection of cardiac ion channels
Maria Lerm, Node lead BSL-3 Unit E-mail: maria.lerm@liu.se
Fredrik Elinder,Node lead Electrophysiology E-mail: fredrik.elinder@liu.se
Nina Ottosson, Staff scientist E-mail: nina.ottosson@liu.se
Linköping University Campus US Building 463 Cell biology Entrance 64, Floor 11
Read more about the CBCS LiU node at the Linköping University webpage for more information about what we offer.