The Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden (CBCS) was formally established in 2010 through the joint efforts of academic and industrial researchers within small-molecule discovery and Swedish public funding agencies. CBCS originated as a VR-funded national infrastructure (2010-2017) and has since 2013 been a SciLifeLab platform.
CBCS at your service
By 2022, CBCS again is a VR-funded national infrastructure and has expanded to include four new nodes. Today, CBCS is represented at Sweden’s all larger universities, from north to south - Umeå, Uppsala, Stockholm, Linköping, Gothenburg, and Lund - and characterised by a skilled team of approximately 30 people.
Next to our biggest and most important collaboration partners, i.a., academic research groups, we closely work together and exchange our knowledge with other screening infrastructures, platforms and organisations, nationally and internationally.
Chair Dr. Thomas Lundbäck, Senior Director, Mechanistic and Structural Biology, Discovery Sciences, R&D, AstraZeneca.
Prof. Margit Mahlapuu, Molecular Genetics, Gothenburg University, Co-Director Wallenberg Center Molecular Translational Medicine
Prof. Fredrik Almqvist, Organic Chemistry, Umeå University, Research Director at QureTech Bio AB
Dr. Ulrika Berglund-Warpman, CEO Oxcia
Dr. Johan Evenäs, CEO Red Glead Discovery
Ass. Prof. Marjolein Thunissen, Life Science Director at MAX IV Laboratory
Prof. Krister Wennerberg, Biotech Research & Innovation Centre, Copenhagen University, Denmark