CBCS Karolinska Institutet
Head node of CBCS
CBCS KI offers a wide range of chemical biology services, from assay development and screening to synthetic and computational chemistry, and services in functional precision medicine. The node is located at SciLifeLab in Stockholm and we have access to one of the largest integrated academic research infrastructures in the world, encompassing world-class facilities within proteomics, microscopy, sequencing, bioinformatics, and drug discovery. CBCS KI is the hub for the CBCS compound collection and distribution centre - Compound Center.
Services at CBCS KI
CBCS Compound Collection
Compound Center is managing the Scilifelab Compound Collection, where academic research groups have access to approximately 350,000 small molecules for biological screening purposes. We are located in the SciLifeLab Alfa building, campus Solna. A description of our compound collection is found here.
BSL-3 Biomedicum
BSL3 Biomedicum is a fully equipped facility performing a wide range of research activities with pathogens requiring biosafety level 3 laboratory. The facility has state-of-the-art equipment such as liquid-handling robotics, plate reader and flow cytometry and expert staff specialized in high-throughput screening.
Anna-Lena Gustavsson, Platform and Unit Director CBCS E-mail: anna-lena.gustavsson@scilifelab.se
Brinton Seashore Ludlow, Biology Team leader E-mail: b.seashoreludlow@scilifelab.se
Science for Life Laboratory Tomtebodavägen 23A 17165 Solna, Sweden
Visit CBCS KI on the Karolinska Institute webpage for more information about what we offer.